Walking In The Truth 12” Vinyl

"WALKING IN THE TRUTH" - All songs by Charles Manson -Produced by Malcolm Tent.
CM sings and plays guitar on this album recorded live while he was incarcerated during the 1980's. The original tape was passed to friends and published on cassette as "Saints Are Hell On Earth"; later released as "Live at San Quentin." This new vinyl version, produced by music mogul Malcolm Tent, is from an early generation tape with a clearer & cleaner sound & repaired edits. Front cover and insert art by Jimmy Smith. All songs by Charles Manson.
SIDE A- Boxcar Willie, Mountains of My Mind/Computer Brain Baby, Jigger Jam, Kamikaze Dreamer.
SIDE B- Little Kids, Summer Road/ I'm on Fire, Hello to My Friends.
Released: 2016
Comes with glossy one-sided insert.
From back of sleeve: "This album was recorded by Charles Manson while he was incarcerated at CSP Vacaville. Manson sings and plays guitar. The tape was made under imperfect conditions and given to his friends on the outside. Technical limitations will be apparent."
Proceeds from the sale of this album benefit ATWA (Air Trees Water Animals) A registered California nonprofit.
Artwork [Back Cover] – Malcolm Tent, Shelby Goodspeed
Artwork [Insert, Front Cover] – Jimmy Smith
Design [Package] – Jimmy Smith, Malcolm Tent
Producer [For Vinyl Release] – Malcolm Tent